Monday 10 June 2013


For a long time I have been contemplating how to make a ropeway for TS2013, ever since I noticed one at the St Helen Colliery, which will be part of the extension to Ben Yates' Cockermouth Keswick Penrith Route.

I eventually decided to give it a go this week with the following results.

It is essentially a road 17m in the air (the ropeway) being followed by vehicles (the buckets). It didn't prove too hard to create, however, getting the vehicles to run on the rope, instead of mid-air, was a process of trial and error. The down side is it's not possible to have one vehicle (full bucket) going in one direction and another vehicle (empty bucket) going the other way. I hope to come back to this and try to use a track loft, rather than a road, so I can have greater control over the vehicles traveling the loft.

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